purified sewage - translation to ρωσικά
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purified sewage - translation to ρωσικά

Sewage Pumping; Sewage pump
  • KOS+ M openwell submersible pump

purified sewage      

строительное дело

очищенные сточные воды

purified sewage      
очищенные сточные воды
  • Ocean outfall]] pipes in [[Cape May, New Jersey]], United States – pipes exposed after the sand was removed by severe storm
  • [[Greywater]] (a component of sewage) in a settling tank
  • Pumping station lifting sewage to the treatment plant in [[Bujumbura]], Burundi
  • Screening of sewage at a sewage treatment plant in [[Bujumbura]], Burundi
  • Screening of the sewage with bar screens at a sewage treatment plant to remove larger objects in Norton, [[Zimbabwe]]
  • Lack of maintenance causing sewage to overflow from a manhole into the street of an informal settlement near [[Cape Town]], South Africa
Raw sewage; Toilet waste; Municipal wastewater; Domestic sewage; Sewage management; Domestic wastewater; Urban wastewater


общая лексика

сточные воды


воды сточные бытовые


канализационный водосток


строительное дело

неочищенные сточные воды

бытовые сточные воды

Смотрите также

crude sewage; domestic sewage; discharge of sewage; sewage analysis; sewage gas; sewage grease; sewage header; sewage irrigation; sewage pipe; sewage pollution; sewage pump; sewage system; sewage tank; sewage treatment; stale sewage; clarified sewage; dilute sewage; house sewage; industrial sewage; municipal sewage; purified sewage; raw sewage; residential sewage; sanitary sewage; settled sewage; storm sewage; strong sewage; treated sewage; weak sewage


общая лексика


сточные воды

редкое выражение



Contents of a sewer.
Drainage, sewerage.


Sewage pumping

Small-scale sewage pumping is normally done by a submersible pump.

This became popular in the early 1960s, when a guide rail system was developed to lift the submersible pump out of the pump station for repair, and ended the dirty and sometimes dangerous task of sending people into the sewage or wet pit. Growth of the submersible pump for sewage pumping since has been dramatic, as an increasing number of specifiers and developers learned of their advantages.

Three classes of submersible pumps exist:

  • Smaller submersible pumps, used in domestic and light commercial applications, normally handle up to 55 millimetres (2.2 in) spherical solids and range from 0.75 to 2.2 kilowatts (1.01 to 2.95 hp).
  • Larger submersible pumps, handle 65 millimetres (2.6 in) and larger solids and normally have a minimum of 80 millimetres (3.1 in) discharge. They are generally used in municipal and industrial applications for pumping sewage and all types of industrial waste water.
  • Submersible chopper pumps, which are used to handle larger concentrations of solids and/or tougher solids that conventional sewage pumps cannot handle. Chopper pumps are generally used in municipal and industrial waste water applications and provide clog-free operation by macerating those solids that might clog other types of submersible pumps.

Submersible pumps are normally used in a packaged pump station where drainage by gravity is not possible.

Vertical type sewage pumps have also been used for many years.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για purified sewage
1. "We want agriculture to use purified sewage and to channel fresh water to nature," he explains.
2. Keshet points out that agriculture uses purified sewage, and is essential for this reason.
3. Four years ago the Health Ministry issued regulations for residential recycling of purified sewage water, including gray water.
4. The Civil Administration and the Water and Sewage Authority recently approved the construction of a pipe to channel purified sewage to irrigate agriculture in the Jordan Valley.?
5. Currently, the INPA cuts the amount of water to nature during a drought, and increases the amount of purified sewage to it, but this is not enough to rehabilitate ecological systems.
Μετάφραση του &#39purified sewage&#39 σε Ρωσικά